PART ONE: History Part I - Deeply Dapper
Back in the summer of 2010, I got a new car and decided it needed a unique sticker to go on it. I searched websites for far longer than logical and still couldn't find the exact thing that fit both me and my vehicle, a blood-orange colored Honda Element.
Finally, I decided what I wanted - a Sasquatch sticker! Unfortunately, all of the ones I could find were either cheesy or more insulting than fun or drawn really poorly, so I decided to make one for myself. Grabbing a still of the famous Patterson footage, an exacto knife and a package of white clearance Con-tac paper (Yes the adhesive stuff you line drawers with) I created my own little sasquatch silhouette for the back of my rig.
I think it turned out pretty great and once or twice I was stopped in traffic by people, asking where I'd gotten the decal. At the same time, I had been making creatures in jars - Bottled Bugaboos - sculptures of non-existant creatures with aged scientific labels for cabinets of curiosity and I came up with an idea for another project, which I STILL haven't gotten around to making yet.
All of this got my wife and I thinking about the idea of trying to sell them in a semi-official capacity. We had a shop on Etsy before, that had been unused for long enough that it'd gone inactive and we decided it would be the perfect way to try our hands at selling some of my geekery.
I posted a thread on my favorite site on the internet, R3, The TRDL Forum, asking for advice and suggestions on a name, throwing out such winners as Cryptic Clips, Deeply Dapper and Arcane Accoutrements. Clearly, growing up a Marvel Comics Zombie had left me with an uncontrollable urge to name things with alliterations...
The forum responded, overwhelmingly preferring Deeply Dapper and on August 20th, 2010, just a couple of days before my birthday, I officially opened Deeply Dapper on Etsy.
I sold my first Sasquatch sticker about a week later and between then and the end of the year, I sold 13 stickers, each meticulously cut by hand from a cardstock template. Between those and one of my sculptures, I made $101.84. It wasn't much, but every time I slipped one of those little white guys into an envelope, I got a charge from the idea that someone, somewhere would be sporting a piece of my artwork.
So we started thinking of ideas to expand the brand.....